Specialist In : All Type of Recording Drum, Perimeter & Pharmacy Instruments



 Pharmacology Lab

1 Special Drug Delivery systems like Metered Dose Inhalers, Spacers, Rotahalers,
Nasal sprays, Transdermal patches, Insulin infusion pumps, Insulin pen etc. 10 sets
2 Samples of dosage formulations of various types including rational and irrational
FDC, Essential medicines 10 sets
3 Manikins for demonstration of intravenous injection, enema, local, intramuscular
injections, intracardiac injection and other routes of drug administration 10 sets

Minimum 1 computer per 10 students (Maybe shared with a similar facility in the
institution) Must have computers with standard configuration and connected to the
internet, (Preferably broadband) along with an AV aids (Multimedia Projector and
Screen). The PC should be installed with CAL programmes and other software for
teaching experimental pharmacology. The students must have access to the National
Essential Drug Lists, Standard Treatment Guidelines, Banned Drugs List of the CDSCO,
PVPI, WHO, Price Controlled Drugs List, Antibiotic Guidelines, Hospital formulary,
adverse drug reactions, and other resource material which the student can use for
learning the principles of rational prescribing.

For UG course, the facilities and equipment in the experimental lab can be shared with
the Physiology department. The experiments included in the curriculum should be
demonstrated through charts/photographs/models and videos.
6 Stop watch
7 Digital Sphygmomanometer
8 Critical Flicker Fusion Apparatus
9 Pupillometer
10 Chart, Models and videos to illustrate the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic
properties of drugs, adverse drug reactions, drug administration techniques As required
11 Laptop
12 Desktop Computer, with Printer
13 Photocopier and Scanner
14 Multimedia Projector with Screen


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